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How To Add Th In Outlook

Learn how to add the th in Outlook with our easy step-by-step guide. Start using this powerful feature today and enhance your email communication!

How To Add Th In Outlook

1. “Lost in Translation? Here’s How to Add ‘th’ in Outlook Like a Pro!”
2. “Unleash Your Grammar Wizardry: Adding ‘th’ in Outlook Made Simple”
3. “Mastering the Art of Outlook: Adding ‘th’ with Panache”
4. “Never Miss ‘th’ Again: Quick Guide to Adding it in Outlook”
5. “Level up Your Outlook Game: Adding the Elusive ‘th’ in Style”
6. “Crack the Code: Adding ‘th’ in Outlook for Fluent Emailing”
7. “Outsmarting Auto-Correct: Adding ‘th’ in Outlook Like a Boss”
8. “Beyond Abbreviations: Adding ‘th’ in Outlook for Clear Communication”
9. “Decoding the ‘th’: Effortless Ways to Add it in Outlook”
10. “Banishing Bafflement: Step-by-Step Guide to Adding ‘th’ in Outlook”

Are you tired of writing th in every date or number you type in Outlook? Well, you’re in luck! In this article, we will show you a simple and efficient method to add the th suffix automatically in Outlook, saving you time and effort. Whether you’re sending emails, scheduling meetings, or updating your calendar, this handy trick will make your life easier. So, let’s dive right in and discover how to effortlessly add the th in Outlook!



Microsoft Outlook is a popular email client that offers a wide range of features to help manage your emails, calendar, and contacts. One useful feature it provides is the ability to add a th suffix to dates in your emails. This can be particularly handy when you want to express dates like 5th or 9th with the correct ordinal indicator. In this article, we will guide you through the process of adding the th in Outlook.

Step 1: Open Outlook

To begin, launch the Outlook application on your computer. You can do this by either double-clicking the Outlook icon on your desktop or searching for it in the Start menu.

Step 2: Access Outlook Options

Once Outlook is open, click on the File tab located at the top-left corner of the window. This will open a drop-down menu. From the menu, select Options to access the Outlook options.

Step 3: Open Mail Options

In the Outlook options window, you will find a list of categories on the left-hand side. Click on the Mail category to open the mail options.

Step 4: Click on the Editor Options button

Within the mail options, you will see a button labeled Editor Options. Click on this button to access additional settings related to email composition and formatting.

Step 5: Open Proofing Options

In the Editor Options window, you will find several tabs at the top. Click on the Proofing tab to access the proofing options, which include settings for spelling and auto-correct.

Step 6: Enable AutoCorrect Options

Within the Proofing options, you will see a section labeled AutoCorrect options. Click on this section to enable and configure auto-correction settings.

Step 7: Add th to AutoCorrect list

In the AutoCorrect options window, you will find a list of words and phrases. In the Replace column, type th and in the With column, also type th. This ensures that Outlook will automatically replace any instances of numbers followed by th with the correct ordinal indicator.

Step 8: Save your changes

After adding th to the AutoCorrect list, click on the OK button to save your changes and close the AutoCorrect options window.

Step 9: Close Outlook Options

To exit the Outlook options, click on the OK button in the Outlook options window. This will apply the changes you made to the email composition settings.

Step 10: Test it out!

You can now compose a new email or reply to an existing one to test the th feature. Type a number followed by th, such as 5th or 9th, and Outlook will automatically replace it with the correct ordinal indicator, making your dates more professional and easy to read.



By following these simple steps, you can easily add the th suffix to dates in your Outlook emails. This feature saves you time and ensures that your dates are accurately represented. Whether you’re sending professional emails or personal messages, having the correct ordinal indicator adds a touch of professionalism. So go ahead and enhance your Outlook experience with this handy feature!

Lost in Translation? Here’s How to Add ‘th’ in Outlook Like a Pro!

Are you tired of feeling lost in translation when it comes to adding the elusive ‘th’ in Outlook? Fear not, for we have the solution to unleash your grammar wizardry and master the art of Outlook with panache. Never miss ‘th’ again with our quick guide that will level up your Outlook game and ensure your emails are clear and professional. So, let’s crack the code and add ‘th’ in Outlook like a boss.

Unleash Your Grammar Wizardry: Adding ‘th’ in Outlook Made Simple

Adding ‘th’ in Outlook may seem like a daunting task, but with a few simple steps, you can conquer it effortlessly. To begin, open Outlook and create a new email or reply to an existing one. Once you are ready to add the ‘th’, position your cursor where you want the ‘th’ to appear.

Next, press the Alt key on your keyboard and, at the same time, type the numbers 0 1 7 4 on the numeric keypad (make sure the Num Lock is on). Release the Alt key, and voila! The ‘th’ should magically appear in your email. It’s as simple as that! Now you can impress your colleagues and friends with your newfound grammar prowess.

Mastering the Art of Outlook: Adding ‘th’ with Panache

Adding ‘th’ in Outlook is not just about following a set of instructions; it’s about mastering the art and adding it with panache. One way to do this is by customizing your email signature to include the ‘th’ in dates. This will give your emails a professional touch and show that you pay attention to detail.

To customize your email signature, go to the File tab in Outlook and select Options. In the Options menu, click on Mail and then Signatures. Choose the signature you want to edit or create a new one. In the signature editor, position your cursor where you want the ‘th’ to appear and follow the same steps as mentioned earlier to add the ‘th’ using the Alt key and numeric keypad. Save your signature, and from now on, every email you send will have the ‘th’ in dates, adding a touch of elegance to your communication.

Never Miss ‘th’ Again: Quick Guide to Adding it in Outlook

If you often find yourself forgetting to add the ‘th’ in dates, we have a quick guide to ensure you never miss it again. Start by going to the File tab in Outlook and selecting Options. In the Options menu, click on Mail and then Spelling and Autocorrect. Under the Proofing section, click on AutoCorrect Options.

In the AutoCorrect dialog box, you will see a list of frequently misspelled words. Scroll down until you find the entry for 1st. Click on it and then click on the Delete button. Repeat the same process for 2nd and 3rd. Finally, click on the Add button, type th in the Replace field, and th in the With field. Click OK to save your changes.

Now, whenever you type a date without the ‘th’, Outlook will automatically correct it for you. This ensures that your emails are always grammatically correct and saves you the hassle of manually adding the ‘th’ every time.

Level up Your Outlook Game: Adding the Elusive ‘th’ in Style

Adding the elusive ‘th’ in Outlook is not just about functionality; it’s also about adding style to your emails. One way to do this is by using superscript formatting for the ‘th’. This will make the ‘th’ appear slightly smaller and raised above the baseline, giving it a visually appealing touch.

To apply superscript formatting to the ‘th’, select the ‘th’ text in your email or signature. Right-click on the selected text and choose Font from the drop-down menu. In the Font dialog box, check the box next to Superscript under the Effects section. Click OK to apply the formatting, and the ‘th’ will now appear in superscript style.

Crack the Code: Adding ‘th’ in Outlook for Fluent Emailing

Adding ‘th’ in Outlook is like cracking a secret code that unlocks fluent emailing. It’s all about finding shortcuts and techniques that make the process effortless. Here’s an insider tip: if you often use the ‘th’ in Outlook, you can create a keyboard shortcut for it.

To create a keyboard shortcut for the ‘th’, go to the File tab in Outlook and select Options. In the Options menu, click on Mail and then Editor Options. Choose Proofing and click on the AutoCorrect Options button. In the AutoCorrect dialog box, type th in the Replace field and th in the With field. Below the With field, you will find the Shortcut key section.

Click inside the Press new shortcut key field and press the keyboard combination you want to assign to the ‘th’. For example, you can press Ctrl + Shift + T or any other combination that is easy for you to remember. Once you have selected the shortcut key, click on the Assign button and then OK to save your changes.

Now, whenever you want to add the ‘th’ in Outlook, simply press your assigned keyboard shortcut, and the ‘th’ will magically appear in your email or signature. This saves you time and effort, allowing you to focus on fluent emailing without any interruptions.

Outsmarting Auto-Correct: Adding ‘th’ in Outlook Like a Boss

Auto-correct can sometimes be a blessing, but it can also be a curse when it comes to adding the ‘th’ in Outlook. To outsmart auto-correct and ensure it doesn’t mistakenly change the ‘th’ to something else, you can add the ‘th’ as a custom word in Outlook’s dictionary.

To add the ‘th’ as a custom word, go to the File tab in Outlook and select Options. In the Options menu, click on Mail and then Spelling and Autocorrect. Under the Proofing section, click on Custom Dictionaries.

In the Custom Dictionaries dialog box, click on Add and give your custom dictionary a name. Save the dictionary and make sure it is selected as the default dictionary. Now, type th in an email or signature and let auto-correct underline it as a misspelled word.

Right-click on the underlined word and choose Add to Dictionary from the drop-down menu. This tells Outlook that th is a valid word, and it won’t try to auto-correct it in the future. You have now outsmarted auto-correct and added the ‘th’ in Outlook like a boss.

Beyond Abbreviations: Adding ‘th’ in Outlook for Clear Communication

Adding the ‘th’ in Outlook is not just about grammar; it’s about clear communication. By adding the ‘th’ in dates, you eliminate any confusion and ensure that your recipients understand the exact day of the month you are referring to.

Remember, clarity is key in professional communication, and by mastering the art of adding ‘th’ in Outlook, you enhance your ability to convey information accurately. So, go beyond abbreviations and take the extra step to add the ‘th’ in Outlook for clear and effective communication.

Decoding the ‘th’: Effortless Ways to Add it in Outlook

Decoding the mystery of adding the ‘th’ in Outlook doesn’t have to be a daunting task. With the effortless ways we’ve shared, you can seamlessly incorporate the ‘th’ into your emails and signatures without breaking a sweat.

Whether it’s using keyboard shortcuts, customizing your email signature, or applying superscript formatting, there’s an approach that suits your style and preferences. So, embrace the power of the ‘th’ and let it elevate your Outlook game to new heights of professionalism.

Banishing Bafflement: Step-by-Step Guide to Adding ‘th’ in Outlook

If you’re still feeling baffled by the process of adding the ‘th’ in Outlook, fear not! We have a step-by-step guide that will banish any confusion and help you become a pro at adding the ‘th’ effortlessly.

Step 1: Open Outlook and create a new email or reply to an existing one.

Step 2: Position your cursor where you want the ‘th’ to appear.

Step 3: Press the Alt key on your keyboard and, at the same time, type the numbers 0 1 7 4 on the numeric keypad.

Step 4: Release the Alt key, and the ‘th’ should magically appear in your email.

Step 5: To add the ‘th’ in dates consistently, customize your email signature by following the steps mentioned earlier.

Step 6: Never miss ‘th’ again by creating a keyboard shortcut or adding it as a custom word in Outlook’s dictionary.

Step 7: Apply superscript formatting to make the ‘th’ visually appealing and stylish.

By following these step-by-step instructions, you’ll be adding the ‘th’ in Outlook like a pro in no time. Say goodbye to bafflement and hello to fluent and professional communication.

Once upon a time in the land of technology, there was a young professional named Alice who had just started her new job. She was assigned to manage emails and appointments using Microsoft Outlook, a popular email client. However, Alice soon realized that she needed to add th to the date format in Outlook for a more professional and polished appearance.

With a determined spirit, Alice embarked on a quest to learn how to add th in Outlook. She began her journey by exploring various online resources and forums. After extensive research, she discovered a few simple steps to achieve her goal:

  1. Step 1: Open Microsoft Outlook and navigate to the File tab at the top left corner of the window.
  2. Step 2: From the dropdown menu, select Options to access the Outlook settings.
  3. Step 3: In the Options window, click on the Calendar tab located on the left-hand side.
  4. Step 4: Under the Calendar options, find the Date formats section and click on the Format button.
  5. Step 5: A new window will appear, allowing you to customize the date format. Look for the section that specifies the day format and locate the placeholder for the day number.
  6. Step 6: To add th after the day number, simply insert dth in the appropriate place within the format.
  7. Step 7: Once you have made the desired changes, click OK to save your new date format.

Alice followed these steps diligently and successfully added th to the date format in Outlook. She felt a sense of accomplishment as her emails and appointments now displayed the day with the appropriate suffix. It added a touch of professionalism and attention to detail in her communication.

From Alice’s perspective, learning how to add th in Outlook was not just about formatting dates; it symbolized her commitment to excellence in her new role. By taking the time to customize this small detail, Alice demonstrated her dedication to delivering polished and refined work. It showed her colleagues and clients that she paid attention to even the minutest of details, ensuring a positive impression.

In conclusion, adding th to the date format in Outlook may seem like a trivial task, but for Alice, it represented her determination to excel in her new job. With a creative voice and tone, this story highlights the importance of paying attention to the finer points of professional communication. So, let us all remember Alice’s quest and strive for excellence in every aspect of our work!

Thank you for visiting our blog and taking the time to read our article on how to add th in Outlook. We hope that the information provided has been helpful and that you are now able to easily incorporate this feature into your emails. In this closing message, we would like to summarize the main points discussed and provide you with some final tips and tricks to enhance your experience with Outlook.

In the first part of the article, we discussed the importance of using the th suffix when referring to dates and numbers. This simple addition can make your emails more professional and polished, especially when communicating with clients or colleagues. We then provided step-by-step instructions on how to add the th suffix in Outlook, ensuring that you have a clear understanding of the process. Remember, by following these steps, you can save time and avoid manually typing out the suffix each time you need it.

As we conclude, we would like to share some additional tips to further optimize your Outlook experience. Firstly, take advantage of Outlook’s auto-correct feature. By adding a custom auto-correct rule, you can automatically replace specific words or phrases with the th suffix. This can save you even more time and effort when composing emails. Additionally, consider exploring other useful features of Outlook, such as creating email templates or setting up email signatures, to streamline your communication even further.

We hope that this article has not only provided you with the necessary knowledge to add th in Outlook but also inspired you to explore other features and functionalities of this powerful email client. Thank you once again for choosing our blog as your source of information. If you have any further questions or topics you would like us to cover in future articles, please feel free to reach out. Wishing you all the best in your endeavors!

People also ask about how to add th in Outlook:

  1. Can I add th to the date format in Outlook?

  2. Yes, you can add th to the date format in Outlook by following these steps:

    • Open Outlook and go to the File tab.
    • Select Options from the dropdown menu.
    • In the Outlook Options window, click on Calendar in the left-hand sidebar.
    • Scroll down to the Display options section and click on the Format button.
    • In the Date format dropdown, select the desired date format, such as dddd, MMMM d, yyyy th.
    • Click OK to save the changes.
  3. Is it possible to customize the date format in Outlook to include th?

  4. Absolutely! Outlook allows you to customize the date format to include th by modifying the Regional settings. Follow these steps:

    • Launch Outlook and go to File > Options.
    • Select Calendar in the left-hand sidebar of the Outlook Options window.
    • Scroll down to the Display options section and click on the Format button.
    • In the Date format dropdown, select Custom at the bottom of the list.
    • In the Type field, enter the desired date format with th, for example, dddd, MMMM d, yyyy th.
    • Click OK to save the changes.
  5. Why is it important to add th in the date format in Outlook?

  6. Adding th in the date format in Outlook enhances clarity and readability, especially when sharing dates electronically. It helps avoid any ambiguity or confusion regarding the day of the month. By including th, st, nd, or rd after the day number, it becomes easier for recipients to understand the date without having to rely solely on the month name.

By incorporating the th in Outlook’s date format, you can effectively communicate dates with a creative and professional touch!

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