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How To For Outlook 2016

A comprehensive guide on how to use Outlook 2016 efficiently, covering everything from email management to calendar integration and more.

How To For Outlook 2016

1. Master the Magic of Email Organization:
With Outlook 2016, you have a powerful tool at your fingertips to organize your emails like a magician on a stage. Learn how to create folders, apply filters, and use categories to tame your inbox and make important messages disappear less frequently.

2. Spice Up Your Signature:
Ditch the boring, default email signature and add some personality to your virtual correspondence. Embrace your creative side by experimenting with different fonts, colors, and even including a witty quote or a fun GIF to make your emails stand out from the crowd.

3. Stay on Top of Your Calendar:
Outlook 2016 offers a sleek, intuitive calendar feature to help you stay organized and make sure you never miss an important appointment again. Learn how to schedule events, set reminders, and even share your calendar with colleagues to streamline your professional life.

4. Embrace the Power of Filtering:
Unleash the full potential of Outlook 2016 by harnessing the power of its filtering capabilities. Filter your emails by date, sender, or subject to quickly locate that elusive message or streamline your workflow by automatically moving relevant emails to specific folders.

5. Conquer Your Contacts List:
Outlook 2016’s extensive contacts feature allows you to keep all your professional connections neatly organized in one place. Learn how to create contact groups, add notes to individual contacts, and even link their social media profiles to stay connected and make networking a breeze.

6. Master the Art of Email Templates:
Say goodbye to repetitive typing and hello to email templates. Outlook 2016 offers a handy feature that enables you to save frequently used email formats as templates, allowing you to quickly send personalized messages without the hassle of starting from scratch every time.

7. Unleash Your Inner Detective with Message Tracking:
Ever wondered if your important email was read or ignored? Outlook 2016 has a secret weapon up its sleeve called message tracking. Learn how to enable this feature to gather insights into when and by whom your messages were opened, helping you stay on top of your communication game.

8. Collaborate Like a Pro:
Outlook 2016 isn’t just about managing emails; it also provides a robust platform for collaboration. Discover how to share your calendars, set up group meetings, and even create and manage shared mailboxes to foster seamless teamwork and boost productivity.

9. Customize, Customize, Customize:
Don’t settle for the default Outlook 2016 interface! Get creative and make it your own by customizing the color scheme, layout, and even adding your own personal touch with custom backgrounds. With a little imagination, your inbox can become a work of art.

10. Stay Connected on the Go:
With Outlook 2016’s mobile app, you can take your email, calendar, and contacts everywhere you go. Learn how to seamlessly synchronize your Outlook account across devices, ensuring you never miss an important update or meeting, whether you’re at your desk or on the move.

Are you tired of spending hours searching for emails in your Outlook 2016 inbox? Well, look no further! In this guide, we will reveal the secrets to mastering Outlook 2016 and becoming an email organization wizard. So, grab a cup of coffee, sit back, and get ready to transform your inbox into a well-oiled machine. From organizing your messages with color-coded categories to setting up automatic email rules, we’ve got you covered every step of the way. So, say goodbye to the chaos and hello to productivity with our ultimate guide on how to master Outlook 2016!



Outlook 2016 is a powerful email management software that helps you stay organized and productive. Whether you’re a student, professional, or just someone who wants to manage their emails efficiently, this article will guide you on how to make the most out of Outlook 2016.

Setting Up Your Email Account

If you haven’t already set up your email account in Outlook 2016, don’t worry – it’s a straightforward process. Start by opening Outlook and navigating to the File tab. From there, select Add Account to begin the setup wizard. Follow the prompts, enter your email credentials, and Outlook will automatically configure your account settings for you.

Customizing the Interface

Outlook 2016 allows you to customize its interface to suit your preferences. To do this, go to the View tab and explore the various options available. You can change the layout, color scheme, and even add or remove certain elements from the toolbar. Experiment with different settings until you find a setup that works best for you.

Organizing Your Inbox

Your inbox can quickly become overwhelming if left unorganized. Outlook 2016 provides several tools to help you stay on top of your emails. You can create folders to categorize your messages, use filters to automatically sort incoming emails, and even set up rules to manage specific senders or subjects. Taking the time to organize your inbox will save you valuable time in the long run.

Managing Your Calendar

Outlook 2016 includes a robust calendar feature that allows you to schedule and manage your appointments, meetings, and events. To access the calendar, click on the Calendar tab in the bottom left corner of the Outlook window. From there, you can create new events, set reminders, and even share your calendar with others for better collaboration.

Utilizing Quick Steps

Quick Steps in Outlook 2016 are a handy feature that allows you to automate repetitive tasks. For example, if you often move emails from your inbox to a specific folder or forward messages to a colleague, you can create a Quick Step to perform these actions with just a single click. To access Quick Steps, go to the Home tab and click on the More button in the Quick Steps group.

Using Email Templates

If you find yourself frequently sending similar emails, Outlook 2016 offers email templates to save you time and effort. Create a template by composing an email with the desired content and then saving it as a template. To use a template, go to the Home tab, click on the New Items button, and select More Items. From there, choose Choose Form and select the template you want to use.

Managing Contacts

Outlook 2016 serves as a powerful contact management tool. You can store and organize your contacts, create distribution lists for group messaging, and even sync your contacts with other devices. To manage your contacts, click on the People tab in the bottom left corner of the Outlook window. From there, you can add, edit, and categorize your contacts as needed.

Taking Advantage of Add-Ins

Add-Ins are additional features or functionalities that can be integrated into Outlook 2016 to enhance its capabilities. There are a plethora of Add-Ins available, ranging from email tracking tools to productivity boosters. To explore and install Add-Ins, go to the File tab, select Options, and click on Add-Ins in the left sidebar.

Backing Up Your Data

It’s essential to regularly back up your Outlook 2016 data to prevent any loss or corruption. Outlook provides built-in backup and export options that allow you to create a copy of your emails, contacts, and calendar entries. To access these options, go to the File tab, select Open & Export, and choose either Import/Export or Backup.


Outlook 2016 is a versatile email management software that can greatly improve your productivity. By following the tips and utilizing the various features discussed in this article, you’ll be able to streamline your email workflow, stay organized, and make the most out of Outlook 2016.

Master the Magic of Email Organization

With Outlook 2016, you have a powerful tool at your fingertips to organize your emails like a magician on a stage. Gone are the days of searching through endless threads or losing important messages in the abyss of your inbox. With a few simple tricks, you can become the master of email organization.

The first step is to create folders. Just like a magician’s hat, these folders will hold your emails and keep them organized. You can create folders for different projects, clients, or even personal categories. Simply right-click on your inbox, select New Folder, and give it a name that suits your needs. Once you have your folders set up, you can easily drag and drop emails into their respective places.

Next, let’s talk about filters. These are like the magic wand that helps you quickly locate specific emails. Outlook 2016 allows you to apply filters based on various criteria such as date, sender, or subject. To access this feature, click on the Filter Email button at the top of your inbox. From there, you can choose which criteria you want to filter by and watch as your inbox becomes more organized than ever before.

Lastly, let’s not forget about categories. These are like different colored scarves that you can use to tag and group your emails. Whether it’s marking emails as urgent, important, or simply categorizing them by project, categories allow you to visually identify and prioritize your messages. To add a category to an email, simply right-click on it, select Categorize, and choose the appropriate category. You can even create custom categories to suit your specific needs.

By mastering the magic of email organization with Outlook 2016, you’ll be able to tame your inbox and make important messages disappear less frequently. You’ll no longer have to spend hours searching for that one elusive email or worry about missing an important message. With just a few simple tricks, you can become an email organization magician.

Spice Up Your Signature

Email signatures are like the final touch of a magician’s performance – they leave a lasting impression. Instead of sticking with the default, boring signature, why not add some personality and spice things up?

Outlook 2016 offers a range of customization options to help you create a signature that stands out from the crowd. Start by opening the Options tab in Outlook and selecting Mail. From there, click on Signatures to access the signature editor.

Now, let your creativity run wild. Experiment with different fonts, colors, and even include images or logos that represent your personal or professional brand. You can also add a witty quote or a fun GIF to give your emails that extra touch of personality.

Remember, your signature is like your virtual business card, so make sure it reflects who you are and what you want to convey to the recipient. Whether you want to exude professionalism, creativity, or a sense of humor, your signature is the perfect place to showcase your individuality.

So, ditch the boring, default email signature and embrace your creative side. With a little imagination, you can transform your emails into memorable performances that leave a lasting impression on your recipients.

Stay on Top of Your Calendar

In the world of magic, timing is everything. The same holds true for staying organized in your professional life. With Outlook 2016’s sleek and intuitive calendar feature, you can ensure you never miss an important appointment again.

To start, open the calendar tab in Outlook and take a moment to familiarize yourself with the layout. You’ll find a monthly view, a weekly view, and even a daily view to suit your preferences. By default, Outlook displays your appointments and meetings in a clean and organized manner.

To schedule an event or appointment, simply click on the desired day and time and enter the details. You can specify the duration, add a location, and even set a reminder to ensure you’re always on time. Outlook will send you a notification before the event to keep you on track.

But what if you need to share your calendar with colleagues or clients? Outlook 2016 has you covered. Simply right-click on your calendar, select Share, and choose the appropriate sharing options. You can grant others permission to view or even edit your calendar, making it easier than ever to coordinate schedules and streamline your professional life.

With Outlook 2016’s calendar feature, you can wave goodbye to missed appointments and hello to a well-organized and efficient schedule. So, embrace the power of the calendar and let Outlook be your personal assistant in keeping track of your professional commitments.

Embrace the Power of Filtering

In the world of magic, the ability to find what you’re looking for in an instant is invaluable. The same goes for managing your emails efficiently. With Outlook 2016’s powerful filtering capabilities, you can unleash the full potential of this email management tool.

Whether you’re searching for a specific email, trying to locate a conversation thread, or aiming to streamline your workflow, filters are your secret weapon. Outlook allows you to filter your emails by date, sender, subject, and various other criteria.

To access the filtering options, simply click on the filter icon at the top of your inbox. From there, you can choose which criteria you want to filter by and watch as Outlook works its magic to display only the emails that meet your specifications.

But why stop there? Outlook 2016 also offers the option to create rules that automatically filter and organize your emails. For example, you can set up a rule to automatically move all emails from a specific sender to a designated folder. This way, you can keep your inbox clutter-free and focus on what’s truly important.

By embracing the power of filtering in Outlook 2016, you can save time, streamline your workflow, and stay organized like never before. So, wave your virtual wand and let Outlook work its magic to transform your email management experience.

Conquer Your Contacts List

Just like a magician needs a reliable assistant, you need a well-organized and extensive contacts list to navigate the professional world. Outlook 2016 provides a robust contacts feature that allows you to keep all your professional connections neatly organized in one place.

The first step to conquering your contacts list is to add new contacts. Outlook makes this process simple and efficient. To add a new contact, click on the People tab in Outlook and select New Contact. From there, you can enter the person’s details, such as their name, email address, phone number, and even their company information.

But what if you have a large number of contacts or need to group them for easier navigation? Outlook 2016 has you covered. You can create contact groups to categorize your contacts based on projects, departments, or any other criteria that suits your needs. To create a contact group, click on the New Contact Group button in the Home tab and give it a name. Then, simply add the desired contacts to the group.

But it doesn’t stop there. Outlook 2016 allows you to add notes to individual contacts, making it easier than ever to keep track of important details or reminders. You can also link your contacts’ social media profiles, ensuring you stay connected and up-to-date with their latest updates.

With Outlook 2016’s extensive contacts feature, you can conquer your contacts list like a true magician. Say goodbye to scattered business cards or messy spreadsheets, and hello to a neatly organized and easily accessible database of professional connections.

Master the Art of Email Templates

In the world of magic, repetition is key to perfecting a trick. The same principle applies to email communication. Instead of typing the same email over and over again, why not master the art of email templates in Outlook 2016?

Email templates allow you to save frequently used email formats, making it quick and easy to send personalized messages without starting from scratch each time. To create an email template, start by composing your email in Outlook. Once you’re happy with the content and formatting, click on the File tab and select Save As. Choose the Outlook Template option and give your template a descriptive name.

Next time you need to send a similar email, simply open the template from the New Items menu and customize it as needed. Outlook will retain the original formatting and content, saving you valuable time and effort.

But why stop there? Outlook 2016 also allows you to create and use Quick Parts, which are like snippets of text that you can insert into your emails with a simple click. For example, if you frequently include your contact information at the end of your emails, you can create a Quick Part for it and insert it whenever needed.

By mastering the art of email templates and Quick Parts in Outlook 2016, you can become a true email communication magician. Say goodbye to repetitive typing and hello to efficient and personalized emails that leave a lasting impression.

Unleash Your Inner Detective with Message Tracking

In the world of magic, knowing the secrets behind the tricks is a valuable skill. The same goes for email communication. With Outlook 2016’s message tracking feature, you can unleash your inner detective and gather insights into when and by whom your important emails were read.

To enable message tracking in Outlook 2016, start by clicking on the File tab and selecting Options. From there, click on Mail and scroll down to the Tracking section. Check the box next to Request a read receipt for all sent messages to enable this feature.

Now, every time you send an email, Outlook will automatically request a read receipt from the recipient. When the recipient opens your email, you’ll receive a notification, allowing you to track who has read your messages and when.

But what if someone chooses not to send a read receipt? Outlook 2016 has a solution for that too. In the Tracking section of the Options menu, you can check the box next to Process receipts on arrival to automatically process read receipts even if they’re not sent by the recipient.

By unleashing your inner detective with message tracking in Outlook 2016, you can stay on top of your communication game and ensure your important emails don’t go unnoticed. So, wave your virtual magnifying glass and let Outlook reveal the secrets behind your email communication.

Collaborate Like a Pro

In the world of magic, teamwork and collaboration are essential for a successful performance. The same holds true for the professional world. With Outlook 2016, you can collaborate like a pro and foster seamless teamwork to boost productivity.

First, let’s talk about calendar sharing. Outlook 2016 allows you to share your calendar with colleagues or clients, making it easier than ever to coordinate schedules and set up meetings. Simply right-click on your calendar, select Share, and choose the appropriate sharing options. You can grant others permission to view or even edit your calendar, ensuring everyone stays on the same page.

But what if you need to schedule a group meeting? Outlook has you covered. In the calendar tab, click on New Meeting and add the desired attendees. From there, you can propose multiple meeting times and allow attendees to vote on their preferred option. Outlook will automatically find the best time slot that works for everyone, saving you the hassle of endless back-and-forth emails.

But collaboration doesn’t stop at calendars. Outlook 2016 also allows you

Once upon a time, in the digital kingdom of Office, there was a powerful tool called Outlook 2016. It was known far and wide for its ability to organize emails, manage calendars, and keep people connected. But not everyone knew how to harness its true potential. And so, the wise scribe decided to share the secrets of Outlook 2016 through a story that captivated the imagination.

Imagine yourself in a bustling office, where emails fly through the air like magical carrier pigeons. You find yourself in need of organizing your inbox, overwhelmed by the sheer volume of messages that flood your screen. Fear not, for Outlook 2016 has a solution!

The Art of Organizing

Step 1: Open Outlook 2016 and navigate to your inbox. Take a deep breath and let the creative energy flow through you.

Step 2: Click on the Folder tab at the top of the screen and select New Folder. Give your folder a name that sparks joy and represents the content you wish to organize.

Step 3: Drag and drop relevant emails into your newly created folder. Watch as your cluttered inbox transforms into a neatly categorized library of communication.

Magic of Calendars

Step 1: Picture yourself as a master of time, effortlessly managing your schedule with the help of Outlook 2016’s calendar feature.

Step 2: Click on the Calendar tab and select New Appointment to create an event that will never be forgotten.

Step 3: Fill in the details of your appointment, including the time, location, and any additional notes that may be helpful. Let your creative voice guide you in crafting a memorable event description.

Step 4: Once you’ve completed the appointment form, hit the magical Save & Close button. Behold, as your calendar comes alive with colorful reminders and a sense of organized harmony.

The Power of Connectivity

Step 1: Imagine yourself as a digital butterfly, effortlessly flitting from one email to another, connecting with colleagues and friends around the world.

Step 2: Click on the People tab and select New Contact to create a virtual address book filled with the people who bring joy to your digital world.

Step 3: Fill in the contact details, including name, email address, and any other information that may help you remember their unique qualities. Let your creative voice shine through as you describe their importance to you.

Step 4: Once you’ve finished crafting the perfect contact, click on Save & Close. Witness the power of connectivity as you effortlessly find and communicate with your digital companions.

And so, dear reader, armed with the knowledge of Outlook 2016’s secrets, you can now conquer the digital kingdom of Office with creativity and grace. Remember, Outlook 2016 is not just a tool but a canvas for your imagination. Go forth and create a masterpiece!

Thank you for taking the time to read our blog post on how to use Outlook 2016! We hope you found it informative and helpful in navigating this powerful email and productivity tool. In this article, we have provided step-by-step instructions and tips to help you make the most out of Outlook 2016’s features. Whether you are a beginner or an advanced user, we believe that these insights can enhance your experience with this software.

Throughout this guide, we have covered various aspects of Outlook 2016, including setting up email accounts, managing your inbox, organizing your calendar, and utilizing useful features such as tasks and reminders. By following these instructions, you can streamline your email management, boost your productivity, and stay organized in both your personal and professional life.

We understand that learning new software can sometimes be overwhelming, but with practice and patience, you will become proficient in using Outlook 2016. Remember to utilize the various transition words we have used throughout the article to help you navigate through the steps smoothly. These words act as signposts, guiding you from one task to the next, ensuring a seamless experience. So, go ahead and try out the different features of Outlook 2016, experiment with its customization options, and explore its capabilities to suit your specific needs.

Thank you again for visiting our blog and reading our comprehensive guide on how to use Outlook 2016. We hope that this article has empowered you to make the most of this versatile email and productivity tool. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please feel free to leave a comment below. Happy emailing!

People also ask about How To For Outlook 2016:

  1. How do I add a new email account in Outlook 2016?

    Adding a new email account in Outlook 2016 is simple:

    • Open Outlook 2016 and go to the File tab.
    • Select Add Account under the Account Information section.
    • Enter your email address and click on Connect.
    • Follow the prompts to complete the setup process.
  2. What are some useful keyboard shortcuts in Outlook 2016?

    Here are a few handy keyboard shortcuts for Outlook 2016:

    • Compose a new email: Ctrl + Shift + M
    • Send an email: Ctrl + Enter
    • Switch between Mail, Calendar, Contacts, etc.: Ctrl + [Number]
    • Mark an email as unread: Ctrl + U
    • Reply to an email: Ctrl + R
  3. How do I organize my emails into folders in Outlook 2016?

    To create folders and organize your emails in Outlook 2016, follow these steps:

    • Right-click on your mailbox or an existing folder.
    • Select New Folder from the context menu.
    • Give the folder a name and choose its location.
    • Drag and drop emails into the newly created folder to organize them.
  4. How can I set up email signatures in Outlook 2016?

    To set up an email signature in Outlook 2016, use the following steps:

    • Go to the File tab and select Options.
    • Choose Mail from the left-hand menu.
    • Click on the Signatures button.
    • Select New to create a new signature or choose an existing one.
    • Compose your signature using text, images, and formatting options.
    • Assign the signature to your email account(s) and click OK.
  5. How do I schedule a meeting in Outlook 2016?

    To schedule a meeting in Outlook 2016, follow these steps:

    • Open the calendar in Outlook 2016.
    • Click on the desired date and time for the meeting.
    • Enter the meeting details such as subject, location, and attendees.
    • Add a reminder if necessary.
    • Click on Send to invite the attendees.

These are just a few of the common questions and tasks related to using Outlook 2016. Remember, Outlook is a versatile tool with many features to explore and customize according to your needs.

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